Support Konexio by donating your apprenticeship tax
Your support creates a better future for disadvantaged youth
Did you know that:
1.4 million young people in France are neither working nor in school
85% of young people trying to access training opportunities are turned down
According to the Gender Study Scan, in 2022, only 17% of women had jobs in the tech field with only 22% of them being in Europe
Why support the Explore Your Talent (ETT) program?
Promote the learning of sciences and logic amongst young people
Contribute to inclusion and gender equality in digital jobs
Improve the training opportunities for young people
The Explore Your Talent (ETT) program (insert link to the page) works with young people to address this challenge.
By choosing Konexio, you:

The apprenticeship tax is paid by companies with at least one employee. It funds the professional training of young people.
The tax is collected yearly via the DSN, usually in April, based on payroll figures from the previous year. Most of it goes to the French government, and a small part, called the "balance," is paid by companies to authorized bodies. The list of elegible organization is defined by region. In Île-de-France and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Konexio is one such organization.
Konexio's Explore Your Talent program supports disadvantaged youth by training them in essential skills like math, logic, and computer science. These fundamentals, coupled with public speaking and soft skills, help them build a concrete professional future within 2 months. Your tax contribution directly supports this program.
Use the SOLTéA platform provided by the Caisse des Dépôts Group. Log in with your Net-Enterprises credentials, select the percentage of your tax balance, and choose Konexio as the recipient.
Your tax contribution supports the Explore Your Talent (ETT) program, which trains young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 for people with disabilities, to enter the workforce.
How do I donate my apprenticeship tax?
We invite you to visit the SOLTéA apprenticeship tax platform (insert link) between May 27-October 25, 2024, to allocate your apprenticeship tax to Konexio. If you need more information, please contact us.
Indicate your tax balance through the DSN (Déclaration Sociale Nominative) in April 2024. The deadlines for 2024 are May 6 or May 15, 2024.
From May 27, 2024, direct your tax to Konexio by logging onto the SOLTéA platform and selecting Konexio from the drop-down menu.
Once you've made your choice, Konexio will be notified, and you'll receive information on the impact of your contribution and our support initiatives for disadvantaged youth.
Apprenticeship tax: Donate your apprenticeship tax to Konexio