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Ayar is Going Far

Ayar was born four years after her mom moved from South Sudan to the Kakuma refugee camp. There, she got free housing, food, and education, finishing high school in 2019. With limited options for college or jobs, Ayar returned home to help her mom in caring for her six siblings.

Ayar Alang was part of our first DIP cohort in Kakuma, Kenya, last year and graduated successfully. Soon after, she applied for a digital marketer job at a clothing company called Boas. Utilizing the skills she learned in the Digital Inclusion Program, Ayar now undertakes tasks in web designing and marketing and believes that the training received from Konexio has granted her independence to support her family.

“I don’t think I would have gotten the digital marketing position at Boas were it not for the digital inclusion training I received from Konexio.”

Congratulations Ayar!

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