Enos Abelle Kabelle is JRS’ Pathfinder Coordinator, who has been an indispensable on-the-ground partner to Konexio as we launch our first Digital Inclusion Program (DIP) in the Kakuma Refugee camp. This program specifically seeks to bring flexible job opportunities to female refugees, and works to break all barriers - both real and perceived - to women gaining specialized jobs in technical fields. Enos’ responses have been lightly edited for clarity and accuracy.
Qn: Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
Ans: My name is Enos Abelle Kabelle. I work with JRS as the Pathfinder Coordinator, a Career Incubator that aims to respond to the need for employment, income generation and satisfying career paths for young refugees.
Qn: What drew you to digital upskilling programs? Why is digital skills training important?
Ans: Digital skills are an important part of building resilience to economic and social shocks, especially for people of concern whom we serve. I was particularly drawn to this program because of its unique and powerful tool for refugee empowerment as a means of overcoming the obstacles associated with forced displacements.
Qn: How do you see the Digital Inclusion Program benefiting communities in the Kakuma Refugee Camp?
Ans: The DIP will allow the refugees and host community to find job offers online and make them more employable in most industries. The program will enable them to have marketable skills, such as freelancing and creating blogs.
Qn: What advice do you have for women thinking of entering the digital field?
Ans: The DIP will act as a strong empowerment tool especially for the women. It will give them an opportunity to earn an income through freelancing in their most convenient environments and at the best times.
Qn: In your opinion, how can we bring more women into the tech world?
Ans: No magic is required to bring more women into the tech world, all that they need is an opportunity to try it out. The positive outcome and impact of such initiatives will automatically draw more women into the tech world.
Qn: What are you most excited for with the upcoming DIP in Kakuma?
Ans: What excites me about the DIP program in Kakuma is the fact that it’s a unique initiative that will not only impact the lives of the program beneficiaries, but the ripple effects will eventually be felt within the community. An empowered woman will be of great positive influence within the community.
Qn: What do you hope to achieve from this program?
Ans: My main goal is to ensure that the program is successfully implemented, and the gains felt within the camp and beyond. I hope by the end of the program, an end line survey will indicate a positive impact of the program
Qn: What's a word that would describe the Konexio project? Why this word?
Ans: Futuristic – the world is constantly and rapidly advancing technologically, and Konexio is part of this movement as it plays its role in ensuring current and future generations are not left behind in terms digital skills acquisition
Qn: What do you think JRS Kenya will take away from this experience partnering with Konexio?
Ans: I think the key take away from this partnership will be JRS affirming its mission to accompany, serve, and advocate the cause of refugees and other forcibly displaced people, so that they may heal, learn and determine their own future.