Saifoulaye was a business law student in his home country before he moved to France. Having difficulty mastering digital tools, and well-aware of their importance in a world that is becoming more and more digitalized, he decided to join the DigitAll training on a friend's recommendation. Today, Saifoulaye has achieved digital autonomy and now works at Amazon.
What did you do before coming to France?
Before I came to France, I was studying business law. It was interesting but the political instability of my country, Guinea, forced me to stop. Afterwards, I started working in delivery.
How did you hear about Konexio?
A friend of mine had taken a course and helped me sign up, telling me that it was important.
Why did you need Konexio?
Given the daily advances in technology, I thought that I needed to know the basics of computer skills to advance in my job search. It was essential that I learn how to use a computer properly.
What courses did you take and what did you like about them?
I started with the intermediate level courses and now I'm finishing the advanced level "spreadsheet skills "*. The instructors are great, they are very qualified and attentive. On top of that, there is a great atmosphere!
How did the training help you?
It helped me a lot to know the computer and to master the word processing tool. I am discovering the use of the spreadsheet at the moment. Now that I have acquired the basics of computers, I can use these programs independently at home.
Where are you now?
I work at Amazon, everything is computerized there. So, the courses really helped me a lot! Before, I had difficulties, I didn't even know how to increase the brightness of the computer. Now I'm much more comfortable with digital tools.
A good memory of your training?
Ralph (a volunteer) and I created some good memories together. During the intermediate course, there was a very good atmosphere.
*The DigitAll training includes 4 levels of courses from beginner to advanced levels "spreadsheet skills" and "web essentials"