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Meet Manal, an endlessly curious learner, Sudanese refugee, and Amman DIP student

Manal is one of Konexio’s 23 digital literacy and freelance students in Amman, Jordan. Jordan has over 760,000 registered refugees, with a large concentration settled in Amman, the capital city. We asked Manal to share her motivations to join the DIP and her experience thus far. Manal’s responses have been lightly edited for clarity and accuracy.

Qn: Tell us a little about yourself and your background.

Manal: I am Manal, a Sudanese woman who lived in Al Fashir, Sudan, until 2007. I graduated from University of Al Fasher in Darfur and became a staff member in the education faculty, teaching physics. I got my Master’s degree in 2004 in Sudan, and then became a lecturer. I left my home country during the Darfur conflict with my husband and two kids, one of whom is now my Konexio classmate. I then graduated from University of Jordan 2013 with PhD in Physics.

Qn: How did you come to join the DIP in Amman?

Manal: I joined the digital freelancing program through Facebook. I found the advertisement and just clicked on the link to register. I thought, I am going to try something new. Living has changed after the corona pandemic.

Qn: What was your motivation for joining?

Manal: I have intrinsic motivation for new programs. We live as refugees in Jordan, hopeless, and placed on a long waiting list for resettlement. We need to work hard for a good life. We are a big family, with five kids of varying ages.

Qn: What skills do you look forward to learning, and how will you use these these skills?

Manal: I am looking forward to improving my skills in typing, data entry, web searching, and Microsoft Office (Word and Excel). I hope I can update my digital skills. I am a woman who started using computers in 1995.

Qn: What impact do you think the digital freelance program will have on your life?

Manal: Freelance programs can add a lot to life. First, I can work independently and control my time, and it’s important that a mother stays around the home. Also my income will depend on my professional skills. Practicing is the secret, along with patience.

Qn: What profession would you like top focus on in the future of freelance?

Manal: Research is my game – scientific research searching the web. I love logical analysis.   

Qn: What parts of the program have you enjoyed the most so far?

Manal: The first part, with the Internet and web searching skills.

Qn: What are the next steps for you after this training?

Manal: For my next steps, I am going to focus on my software skills, shape up my English language, and maybe join some online courses in designing and photo editing. Plus more practice! I started with my new account on the freelance platform Ureed [an Arabic-centric platform]. I am doing my best to earn my place in this sector.

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