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Third Cohort of Malawian DIP students set to graduate this August

It has been an amazing 6 months in Malawi of digital skills training, as our third cohort of students approach the tail end of Konexio’s Digital Inclusion Program (DIP). Having begun their training in January, a total of 60 Malawian youth and refugees from the DRC, Rwanda, and Burundi in Dzaleka camp will graduate on the 16th of August following the completion of their final assessments.

After graduation, the group will have received 121 hours of digital capacity sessions ranging from basic to semi-advanced digital skills and 45 hours of English reinforcements classes. Throughout the training, students developed critical skills in Digital Marketing, Virtual assistant, Microsoft Suite, translations, transcribing, and annotations. Alongside these hard skills, this cohort will have acquired a variety of soft skills such as: Personal Branding, Career Development, and Proposal Writing.

“The [digital skills] program has made me see many things differently, and I am leaving having a new look at the world,” a DIP student (who is unnamed for security) said. “But the road is long, I will have to hang in there and keep learning after the training because it's only the beginning.”

“The students were amazing and I enjoyed seeing them encourage each other”, said MaryJose, an DIP facilitator. “We got a lot of things done thanks to their cooperation and hunger to learn. If I had the chance to re-do this training, I would do it again.”

Graduation will take place at the JRS center in the camp where Konexio anticipates an 88% graduation rate. Once the students have graduated, they will receive certification of the digital skills they learned over the course of the training and assessments. The next challenges after becoming independent digital freelancers will be to land clients on digital platforms and find work contracts through our company partners- a journey they have already begun during their time at Konexio. Konexio will continue to make opportunities available to graduates as they embark on their next steps.

We congratulate them for their eagerness to learn and constant enthusiasm to explore new things, and wish them the very best!

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