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“We built relationships that allowed us to move forward together and to blossom” Hadjo, DigiTous Program

Having been a math teacher for many years in Sudan, he had naturally wanted to continue his career when he arrived in France. But after resuming his mathematical studies in Paris, he finally decided to follow his dreams and become a web developer. Following the advice of a friend, Hadjo enrolled in a web developper class and today, as he nears the end of his classes, he already has big projects in the works. 

What did you do before starting Konexio’s courses?

I lived in Sudan where I taught math.

Why did you decide to change careers?

Tech was my dream ever since I started school, but I was unable to study it in Sudan because it was too expensive. I started learning online for 6 months before doing my classes at Konexio. 

What do you like about digital technology?

The same thing that I loved about math: the logic, the algorithms, etc..

How did you first hear about Konexio?

A friend who was in the student group told me about Konexio. He told me that “It’s amazing, it’s a community!”

And why did you choose Konexio?

There is a lot of care and support, the careful steps, the soft skills that I didn’t find in other courses. And when I met the team the first time, they were super kind, which is very important!

You consider the soft skills and interpersonal skills to be important?

Oh for sure. When, like me, someone has never worked in France before, they don’t understand the marketplace and they don’t know what businesses are looking for. Thanks to the soft skills lessons, I feel like I’m capable of doing it all! For interviews for example, I didn’t know how to present myself. Konexio explained to me how to talk, what companies expect of me … it helped me a lot.

Was there anything else in the classes that you particularly enjoyed?

The pedagogy, the learning style, it gave me a lot of self confidence. How to really learn tech skills, how to understand archives, how to find my own solutions on the internet-- without Konexio, I wouldn’t have learned any of this.

Where are you now?

I just finished my internship! I had the chance to work with colleagues who had a strong background in tech. I also did a lot of group work, like I did during the courses. Right now I’m working on my project to get my web developer certification next October.

And now, what does the future look like?

I would like to continue training myself, acquire a technology master's degree, and found my own tech firm, in Portugal maybe. 

What will you remember fondly about the classes?

In the course, we were an amazing community. We created relationships that allowed us to all learn and blossom together. We felt like we’d known each other for a long time. And our teacher, Jenaïc! He taught us to look things up for ourselves, which was a new way of learning. It was hard to start with, and I didn’t understand the method. But after a month and half, I realized that it was important because we master what we learn that way. It was sometimes hard to go find the solutions that I needed but I found that it was crucial for my education. And then Agathe also, who supported us so much. She helped us create our resumes, our Linkedins … and that, truly, helped me a lot.

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